Information about our use of cookies

In order for this website to function properly, we occasionally place cookies on your device. Most major websites do the same. The following describes our Cookie Policy. Your continued browsing of this site indicates your agreement with and authorization of our use of cookies.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a tiny file commonly stored on your device (computer, phone, tablet) while you browse a website. They enable the website to remember your actions and preferences, so you can enjoy a comfortable browsing experience each time you visit the website. They are also used to make improvements to the website.

The types of cookies we use

Our website uses session cookies and persistent cookies:

Session cookies: These cookies expire at the end of a browser session. They enable us to collect information about your actions on the website, and they are deleted when the browser is closed or you log off.

Persistent cookies: These cookies are permanent cookies that stay on your computer/device until they expire or are deleted. Their use enables us to offer a more personalized browsing experience when you return to our site.

Our website uses the following cookies for the reasons indicated:

Strictly necessary cookies: These are cookies that are required for our website to function and are always enabled. Strictly necessary cookies enable such website functions as member login and preference functions, for example.

Performance and analytical cookies: These cookies collect information about the number of visits to our website and how visitors interact with the website. Analysis of this information allows us, for example, to serve content that interests you and to discover ways in which our website could be improved.

Functional cookies: These are cookies that enable us to store information you have entered on previous visits to our website, including your username and any other settings you have chosen. This enables us to offer you a more personalized and smooth browsing experience.

Targeting cookies: These cookies collect information that allows us to serve advertisements that are relevant to your interests and to judge the effectiveness of our ad campaigns. They measure such things as which pages of our website you view, the length of time you spend on each page, and any links you follow.

Third-party cookies

Certain third parties may use cookies on our website to collect data about your device and your online behavior. This allows them to determine usage patterns, analyze performance and serve advertisements relevant to your interests. We do not have any control over these third-party cookies.

How you can control cookies

You can prevent cookies from being stored on your computer/device via your browser settings. This may affect your experience of the website, however, as certain functions and services may no longer be available.
